2016, Vol. 1 Issue 1, Part DECEMBER
Size composition and exploitation structure of Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822) from the Ganga river, India
Author(s): Amitabh Chandra Dwivedi, Priyanka Mayank and R. K. Pathak
Abstract: Fisheries management system is based on the principle of the sustainable use of a renewable living resource. Studies were undertaken during March 2014 to February 2015 from the middle stretch of the Ganga river, India. 423 fish specimens were examined of Cirrhinus mrigala for determination of size composition and exploitation structure. The size composition of C. mrigala varied from 19.2 to 92.4 cm. On the basis of pooled sampled specimen in the length ranges from 16.8 to 92.4 cm showed that the 37.1 to 43.0 cm fishes most exploited compared to other size groups. The 91.1 to 97.0 cm fishes shared very little proportion in the exploitation. The lower size group of fishes more constituted compared to middle and higher size groups.