ISSN (Online): 2456-6268
Journal of Fisheries and Life Sciences

Journal of Fisheries and Life Sciences

Application for Fellow Member of the Society

Click here to download the application: Application for Fellow Member

This membership level designated "Fellow of the Society" is to recognize members who have made sustained and outstanding technical contributions in areas of interest to Society of Fisheries and Life Sciences (SFLS).

One can use the title "FSFLS" Fellow Member, Society of Fisheries and Life Sciences. For example - Dr. X. X. XXXXX, Ph.D., FSFLS
Fellow members are given preference in the early publication of the manuscript after approval of their manuscripts from experts.

Applicant must be more than 35 years of age with a Ph.D. degree.
Applicant must obtain the minimum total of 5 impact points (Thomson Reuters)after pooling the impact factor points of each research publication or minimum 5 year experience in teaching/research/extension in the field of fisheries or life sciences
The applicant must be in a regular position as Assistant Professor/Scientist or above in any one of the Government organizations or the Research and Development wing (R&D) of a private organization.
Applicant must have the minimum of 5 years experience in the respective domains.
Applicant research works must be purely empirical and original and must have paved for further researches.
Applicant is allowed to apply only time for this Fellow Member. Please note that if you have applied previously to this Fellow Member, your application will be automatically excluded from further scrutiny.

Application Fee
Rs. 6,000/- (Fee may be paid after acceptance of "Application")

Mode of Selection
Application will be screened or scrutinized by Expert Committee and the Committee decision will be final.
The Committee will select the candidate based on total points obtained based on the research paper published with impact factor points or his/her professional experience. Also, applicant significant contribution made to the fisheries and life science field.

Benefits provided to the Fellow Member of Society of Fisheries and Life Sciences
1. Fellow Members will be given a prestigious certificate regarding fellow membership.
2. Fellow Members are exempted from registration fees for all the National/International Conferences organized by SFLS.
3. Fellow Members may get chance to become Sectional President, Sectional Secretary or Sectional Recorder in the National/International Conference sessions.
4. Fellow Members may be appointed as judges for poster presentation or key note speakers of National/International Conferences.
5. Fellow Members may be appointed as member of organizing and apex committee of International Conferences.
6. Fellow Members may be invited for invited talk/special lecture in sectional program
7. Fellow Members will also get the opportunity to represent their state/country as coordinator for the JFLS journals.
8. Fellow Members may become a Member of Editorial Board/ reviewer JFLS International Peer Reviewed Journal.

Click here to download the application: Application for Fellow Member
Click here to become a member of JFLS
Chick here for online payment of Application Fee

Call for book chapter